Segera Gabung! Citilink Cari Gen-Z Kreatif untuk Magang Socmed!

KUPANG, HN – Salah satu maskapai penerbangan tanah air, PT Citilink dikabarkan kembali membuka lowongan kerja magang untuk posisi Socmed Centent Creator Intern.

Dikutip Linkedin Citilink Indonesia, Kamis 8 Februari 2024, pendaftaran akan dibuka hingga tanggal 10 Februari 2024 mendatang. Berikut syarat yang harus dipenuhi para calon pelamar:


BACA JUGA:  PT PELNI Buka Rekrutmen Pegawai Tahun 2024: Daftar Sebelum 11 Februari!


Job Descriptions:

  • Searching on creative ideas and creative visual references.
  • Creating a full content by editing and shoot video.
  • Creating real-time content for social media Citilink (Story, Reels, & TikTok).
  • Analyze viral content and searching content by doing benchmarks with competitors or any related companies.
  • Social media savvy.

BACA JUGA:  Batas Bulan Januari! Bank BNI Buka Lowongan Kerja untuk Lulusan SMA-SMK


  • Bachelor’s Degree/Final year student from Communication/Advertising/DKV or any related background.
  • Proficient in using Video Editor (iMovie, VN, Capcut, Inshot).
  • Having abillity to produce commercial content.
  • Having a strong skill in Ms.Office & good skill in Adobe Family (Illustrator, After Efects, and Premiere Pro) is a plus.
  • Willing to WFO at Citilink’s HO, Tangerang.

BACA JUGA:  Komnas Ham Umumkan Lowongan Pekerjaan Baru untuk Lulusan Diploma dan Sarjana

Send your CV and portfolio*

(design/key visual/artwork/video to:

Email :

Subject : [Socmed Content Creator Intern_Your Name]

*Only candidates with portfolio will be processed

Apply before 10 February 2024

Perhatian: lowongan magang Citilink Indonesia tidak dipungut biaya apapun.***

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